Education, globalization and social change
by Lauder Hugh;Brown Phillip;Dillabough Jo-Anne;Hasley A H
Published by : Oxford University Press (New York) Physical details: 1182p. ISBN:0-19-927253-0.
Feminist Politics
Capitalism, education, rationalization of education and training, democratic conception in education
Contemporary theories of social change : Forms of capital, thoughts on trivium and quadrivium- divorce of knowledge from knower, correct training, orientalism, multiculturalism and gendered citizenship, feminist politics and democratic values in education, disjuncture and difference in global cultural economy
Education, globalization and nation state : globalisation, governmentality and sociology of education- media, educational policy and politics of resentment, localization/ globalization and midwife state- strategic dilemmas for state feminism in education, GATS and education service industry-politics of scale and global reterritorialization, globalization and changing nature of OECD's educational work, neoliberalism, globalization, democracy
Education , knowledge and global labour/ labor market : Age of human capital, globalization of rhetoric and practice- education gospel and vocationalism, magnet economy, producing hi-tech- globalization, state and migrant subjects, what is distinctive about knowledge economy
Family, opportunity and social mobility : New family and flexible work, opportunity trap, social inheritance and equal opportunity policies, social class and cognitive development in childhood in UK, signals of success- decoding in sociology meaning of associations between childhood abilities and adult educational achievement, social relations and social integration, education and middle class- complex but crucial case for sociology of education, from social ties to social capital- class difference in relations between schools and parent networks, producing inequalities- neo liberalism, neo conservatism, and politics of educational reform, politics of bilingualism - reproduction analysis of policy of mother toung education in Hong Kong after 1997
Power, culture and politics of identity : Foot soldiers of modernity- dialectics of cultural consumption and twenty first century school, pedagogies, democracy, education and multiculturalism-dilemmas of citizenship in a global world, colonizing knowledges, towards a critical race theory of education, class, race, gender and sexuality in south African school chalder's accounts of social relations, queering identity and discourse in education, process of invoking ADHD in Swedish school
Changing education and teacher's work : Marketplace in education, limits of managerialist school reform- case of target setting in England and USA, schools in disadvantage areas- low attainment and contextualised policy response, four ages of professionalism and professional learning, performative and fabrications in education economy, gender politics and conceptions of modern teacher- women, identity and professionalism
Curriculum, learning and assessment : Dichotomous pedagogies and promise of cross cultural comparison, curriculum studies and problem of knowledge, structure of pedagogic discourse, changing discourse of assessment policy- case study of English primary education, farming of performance pedagogies- pupil perspectives on control of school knowledge and its acquisition, educational triage and D to C conversion- suitable cases for treatment, political structure of assessment- negotiating state power and legitimacy, globalizing empiricism- international comparisons of educational achievement, how globalization can cause fundamental curriculum change
Universities, higher education and lifelong learning : European university, building an epistemic regime, empowering participants or corroding learning- research agenda on impact of student consumerism in higher education, educating for privilege, national and global competition in higher education, issues in expansion of higher education in the people's republic of China, history, biography and place in learning society- towards a sociology of life long learning, adult education and cohesion
Education and development : Poverty as capability deprivation, what poverty does to girl's education- intersection of class, gender and policy in Latin America, educational expansion and mediation of discontent- cultural politics of schooling in Arab states, transnational advocacy , global civil society- emerging evidence from field of education, from Washington consensus- influence of international agendas of education policy and practice in Malawi, education for positive conflict and interruptive democracy
Year: 2006
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