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Water woes : Conserving and managing our future lifeline

by Kumar H D
Published by : Daya publishing house (New Delhi) Physical details: 392p ISBN:81-7035-440-4.
Subject(s): Water in Humid tropics, population and demand on water, Tropical water cycle, Surface water, Deforestation and reforestation, Rural/urban water related problems, water quality regulation, Virtual water , Water resources in second wettest country, water and climate -- Groundwater : Pollution, erosion and leaching, extraction, land subsidience, salt water intrusion and salinization, quality deterioration, phytotechnology, Global nitrogen pollution, ecological sanitation , demand and supply, water resource protection, artificial groundwater recharge -- Inland waters- lakes,wetlands, rivers : Water resource , light penetration, internal loading, sediment dynamics and pollutant mobility, mercury in lake sediments, biofilms in sediments and on suspended particular matter, Lake Biota and eutrophication, Organic matter, nuisance odours, soil water balance and draughts, urban water supplies, biodiversity, response of plant communities, Ecosystem resilience after distribution, lake vegetation, Lake and sustainable societies, Wetland use and impact, Freshwater in arid zones, rivers and streams, flow regulation of lager river system, Artificial intelligence and river biomonitoring , River restoration -- Water- commodity or human right : Environmentally sound management, Integration of environmental and social concerns into water resources development and management, Hazards and health risks from lakes, ecological principles and watershed management, Environmental and social effects of water resources development programmes and projects, environmental and social problems arising from Conflicting water land uses, Delinking water rights from land rights, Water vs Oil, Access to water resources among competing users and uses, Efficiency vs Equity, Cultural importance of water, Agrio ecological regions (AERs), Water-food 2025 project, Future water-food security, global water security, Drought mitigation -- Water for development and health : socio economic development, contributions of water resources development, Impacts of socio-economic development on water resources, Industrial development, Economics and sustainable water use, Water and health, Entrophication and food chain, Environmental sanitation planning, Water cycle, Health care, public health and population growth, modern approach to water management, Arsenic in groundwater, Human Carcinogen, Arsenic toxicity, Fluorosis, water quality survey -- Looming crisis : Water supply and sanitation, water demand, Global features of water changes, Economic dividends from the biosphere, water shortages and human diet, water and the energy industry, Environmental impacts of water use, Global water elated problems, effects of changes in water balance, Ecosphere, Erratic monsoon in India, Ecohydrology, Anthroposphere -- Water harvesting : Agricultural use, water saving rice cultivation, water infiltration into soil, reservoirs for water harvesting, conservation agriculture , Impounding of rainwater, community based water harvesting , Water harvesting ideal use for flood waters, Integrated water mission, Equitable supply, interlinking rivers rainwater harvesting and climate change -- management of water resources : Safeguarding water resources, management of freshwater system, Protection of freshwater system, Urban water management, Ecological engineering, SODIS - drinking water, water management in Yogo by internal phosphorus loading, Percolation lake, liming operations in lakes, management options for reservoirs and lakes in the presence of contaminated sediments, interaction between the ocean, Atmospheres and human activities, plan of action, management of fluoride contamination, managing water in the coming decades, water supply network
Year: 2006
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