Indian economy since independence
by Kapila Uma
Additional authors:
Edition statement:new Revised 18th Edition:2006-2007
Published by :
Academic Foundation
(New Delhi)
Physical details: 992p
India in Economic policy in 1947-
India in Economic conditions in 1947-
Economic history.
Planning, institutional framework, constraints and role of the state
Indian economy at independence, National income,Planning and role of the state in India, The problem of development , economic development, Tenth five year plan: (2002-07) objectives,strategy and mid term appraisal, Employment, inequality and poverty, balanced regional development, Resources in the public sector, Social justice, Agriculture, Resource mobilization and pattern of plan financing, MTA, Central plan resource, Fiscal challenge, On correcting fiscal imbalance in the Indian economy, Sustainability,Budgetary objectives and instruments, Fiscal malady in India, Fiscal restructuring, Fiscal and budgetary development, Revenue and capital receipts, different types of Tax, Demographic constraints interaction between population change and economic development, National population policy 2000, Socio-demographic patterns , Demographic aspects of development in India, Fertility, age at marriage, Marital fertility, Birth rate, Urbanisation, workforce participation and industrialisation, literacy rate, Indian women, infrastructure and communication
Development in Indian agriculture, soil degradation, ground water, issues in agriculture sector, public distribution system, Regional differentiated strategy, Sustainable development, Food security,Supply side issues, Reforms in land system in post-independent India,Structural reorganisation, Policy issues, Modernising Indian agriculture, Self regulating system, Optimisation of resource use, human development, Modernisation, Capital formation, Agriculture credit and insurance, Non-farm sector, Self regulation, Capital formation, Agricultural credit, Watershed development , Research development, Farm sector performance and the reform agenda, Rip lands and Ashok Gulati, Non agricultural reforms, Agricultural policy performance, Grain producer price policy, Removal of export restrains, Import protection, case of oilseeds and oil, market and regulatory reforms, food policy in India, PDS, Minimum suppory price, rationing and buffer stocking, food policy in open economy, policy instruments buffer stocking and food security, Growth and welfare consequence of rise in MSP, Applied general equilibrium model, Agricultural production, consumption and stocks, welfare impacts, Reports of the high level committee on long term grain policy, Unemployed, Open market sale, Private trade, food corporation of India
Industry and Infrastructure
Industrial development and policies since independence , Industrial control regime, Industrial licensing system, Economic policy, Industrial growth, Industrialisation , Manufacturing, Small scale sector, SSI sector, SSEs, Public enterprise, Privatization, Industrial growth and diversification, Sources of data on industrial output/vale added, Planning, Diversification of industrial sector, Deceleration debate, Industrial policy and performance since 1980, Fall in organised manufacturing employment, Public vs Private sector neglect of lessons of economic in Indian policy formulation, Bureaucratic failure, Disinvestment commission report I (Feb, 1997), Infrastructure and economic development, Viability gap for infrastructure (MTA)
External sector
Foreign trade and balance of payment, trade policy, India's export, India's balance of payment trends, Sustainable of current account, Liberalisation, Foreign investment, FPI, NRI deposit, BoP, External debt management, exchange rate management, Foreign exchange reserves, Foreign trade policies and India's development, Five year plan, Foreign trade regime, Foreign direct investment in India in the 1990s trends and issues, FDI, Net foreign exchange inflow, Technology market, India and WTO, Sixth WTO ministerial conference at Hong Kong 2005
Growth and structural change since 1950 and Assessment of the growth experience
Growth and structural change since 1950, Economic growth of Indian in 20th century, Work force and occupational structure, Inter-regional disparities in growth and development, Inter state inequalities, Sectoral composition, Growth rate mystery, Liberalisation, Growth of SDP and structural changes in state economics inter state comparisons, SDP data, GSDP , Economic performance of the states in the post reforms period, SDP, Assessment of the growth experience poverty unemployment and inflation, labour market, NSSO survey, National rural employment guarantee act, anti poverty employment generation and basic service programmes, Employemnt and growth , Accelerating growth, sectoral policies, skill development, modification in labour law, Chronic poverty and malnutrition, Poverty and inequity in India Localised impoverishment and hidden costs, poverty indexes, Reports of the task force on employment opportunities (planning commission), Special employment programmes, Regional dimensions of employment, Reform of labour law, Inflation , Wholesale price, Drought and inflation, Inflation rate based on CPI/(IW)/ Consumer inflation, Movements of agricultural prices and manufactured prices, Price stability, Anti-inflationary measures , statistics
Year: 2006
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330.954 GRE/P A philosophy of Indian economic development | 330.954 GRE/P A philosophy of Indian economic development | 330.954 IND India: 1998 macro-economic update: Reforming for growth and poverty reduction | 330.954 KAP/I Indian economy since independence | 330.954 LAL/I Unfinished business: India in the world economy | 330.954 MOO/P The politics of economic reforms in India | 330.954 MUK/G Gender in the market economy |