The history of development: From Western origins to global faith
by Rist Gilbert
Published by : Academic Foundatin (New Delhi) Physical details: 286p. ISBN:81-7188-548-9.
Economic assistance
Economic development
Sustainable development.
Development, metamorphoses of a western myth, making of a world system- colonization, league of nations and mandate system, invention of development , underdevelopment, US hegemony, development age, international doctrine and institutions take root- new international development agencies, modernization poised between history and prophecy - Rostow's stages of economic growth, anti-communism , Marxist
Neo-Marxism in US, Latin American dependentistas, self reliance - communal past as a model for future, Triumph of third worldism- international economic order, 1975 dag hammarskjold foundation report on another development, wake of NIEO, basic need approach
Environment, or new nature of development : return to classical economics plus a few humanitarian extras, sustainable development, earth summit, mixture of realism and fine sentiments- UNDP and human development
Post-modern illusion- globalization as simulacrum of development : usefulness of talking at cross purposes, globalization, globalisation, virtual reality as a refuge for continuing belief , struggles against poverty
Year: 2002
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