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Bound to cooperate conflict,peace and people in Sierra Leone

by Yissi,Anatole
Additional authors: Poulton,Robin Edward
Edition statement:2ne Ed. Published by : United Nations Institute for Disarmament Reasech (Geneva) Physical details: 186p. ISBN:92-9045-183-1.
Subject(s): Disarmament -- War of Liberation -- Arms control in Sierra Leone -- Illegal arms transfers in Sierra Leone -- Firearms in Sierra Leone -- Insurgency in Sierra Leone -- Sierra Leone in History in Civil War, 1991- -- Peace building and practical disarmament: beyond states, with civil society -- UNIDIR research on micro disarmament and peace- building in west Africa -- UNIDIR and civil society organizations working in partnership with the governmental sector -- Background to the conflict (1961-1991) -- Politics of systematic exclusion -- lapses in state security -- Abidjan peace accord and the AFRC coup d'etat -- Revival of the peace Agreement -- Lome Peace Agreement -- Bound to cooperate: peacemaking and power sharing in Sierra Leone -- Civil conflict -- Arms smuggling: issue for the costume service in post- war sierra Leone -- Role of customs service in a democratic state -- Undermining of customs during the war, Importance of customs in arms control and arms regulation policy in post-war sierra Leone -- Customs service in post-war Sierra Leone -- Arms regulation, Challenging issue for the police force in post-war and order enforcement -- Institutional undermining of the police , Sierre Leone police force in distress, local needs policing , Disarmament, the police and civil society -- Arms control policy under threat: dealing with the plague of corruption -- Institutionalizing corruption -- Great illusion of the NPRC interregnum -- War and small arms proliferation -- People against corruption: civil society action -- DDR programmes -- Politics of bad governance -- Rebel war and rebel peace -- Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration in post-war Sierra Leone -- Community based disarmament and post-conflict peace-building -- Women against weapons -- Women and politics in Sierra Leone -- Justice and reconciliation in post-war sierra Leone -- Crime and punishment -- Truth and reconciliation commission -- Application of justice -- Objective and functions of the commission
Year: 2006
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This book wrestles with fundamental questions of practical disarmament and peace building in Sierra Leone. Although they were written prior to the May-June 2000 upsurge of violence in Freetown that led to the arrest of Foday Sankoh, these incidents underline the relevance of the authors' analyses. The various research papers published in this volume have been written by civic leaders from Sierra Leone who are involved at one level or another in the search for a permanent peaceful resolution to the civil war, and a solution to the destabilizing influence of small arms and light weapons.--Publisher's description.

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