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Water resources systems planning and management : Development in water science

by Singh V P
Additional authors: Jain S K
Published by : Elsevier (Netherlands) Physical details: 858p ISBN:81-312-0591-6.
Subject(s): Water resources development in Planning. -- System analysis. -- TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING in Hydraulics. -- Introduction to water resource system : availability of water, Technology for meeting water needs, Water resources planning, development, management systems. System approach -- Acquisition and processing of water resource data : Type of water resource data - Time oriented, space oriented, relation oriented, Design of hydrometeorological network,data validation, Acquisition and processing of precipitation data, acqusition and processing of other meteorological data, acquisition and processing of streamflow data, water quality data, gorund water data, socio-economic and agriculture data, water resource information system -- Emerging techniques for data acquisition and system modelling : Remote sensing, Geographic information system, Artificial neural networks, Export systems -- Statistical techniques for data analysis : Probability distribution, Methods of parameter estimation, Concept of entropy, Problem of parameter estimation, Hypothesis testing, t-test, Chi-square test, Liner regression, multiple linear regression, Correlation analysis, Frequency analysis, time series analysis -- System analysis techniques :Linear programming, Nonlinear programming, Dynamic programming, stochastic optimization, multi-objective optimization, goal planning, Simulation models -- Economic consideration : Basic principles of project economics, Demand and utility of water, project economics and evaluation, discounting techniques, benefit-cost ration method, other discounting methods, project feasibility and optimality, allocation of project cost -- Environmental and social considerations : Dynamism of environment, Environmental impact of water resources project, Environmental impacts of reservoirs, Environmental problems in command areas, Environmental impact assessment, Integration of environmental aspects in water resource planning, Environmental considerations in reservoir planning and operation, sustainable development, social impact, case study -sardar sarovar project in India , Role of NOs -- Rational decision making : Risk analysis and management, uncertainty analysis, Utility theory, System techniques for rational decision making, Bayesian decision making , Bayes theorem -- Water resource planning and development -- Water resource planning : Integrated planning, stages in water resource planning, data collection and processing, estimation of future water demands, Plan initiation and preliminary planning, institutional set-up, Public involvement, Formulation and screening of alternatives, Models for water resources planning, Sensitivity analysis, Interaction between analyst and decision maker, water resource planning -- Reservoir sizing : Characteristics and requirements of water uses, reservoir planning, estimation of water yield using flow duration curves, hydropower generation, reservoir losses, range analysis, Regulation regime function, Reservoir capacity computation, Storage requirement for conservation purpose, Flood control storage capacity, Reservoir routing , mas curve method, Modified plus method, coefficient method, dams -- System operation and management -- Reservoir operation : Critical issues in reservoir operation, basic concepts of reservoir operation, Rule curves, Operation of a multi-reservoir system, Reservoir operation for flood control, System engineering for reservoir management, real time reservoir operation, development of operating rules for sabarmati system -- Reservoir sedimentation : Loss of storage capacity, Sediment yield of watershed , Universal soil loss equation, HEC-6 model, WEPP model, Reservoir survey, Assessment of reservoir sedimentation using remote sensing, Methods to control sediment inflow into reservoir, Sediment routing, recovery of storage capacity -- Water quality modelling : Relevant property of water, Water quality monitoring, river water quality modelling, Components of a river water quality model, Hydraulic and thermal models, biochemical model, Geochemical model, Geochemical process,Modelling or oxygen in rivers, Dissolved oxygen, Chemical oxygen demand, Catchment-scale water quality models, Water quality in lakes and reservoirs, Ground water quality -- River Basin planning and management : Definition and scope of river basin management, Planning and river basin management, Integrated water resource management, Decision support system (DSS), Institutional aspects of basin management, Models of RBM, Demineralization and privatization ,Co-operation among basin management organizations , Public involvement, Inter-basin water transfer, management of international river basins, International river basin organisations, International initiatives for freshwater management
Year: 2006
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