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Women and credit : Researching the past, refiguring the future

by Lemire Beverly
Additional authors: Pearson Ruth | Campbell Gail
Published by : Berg books (New York) Physical details: 330p ISBN:1-85973-484-7.
Subject(s): Women in Economic conditions. -- Exploring the western history of women and credit : Women, credit and creation of opportunity, women's economic spheres and credit in pre-industrial Europe, petty debts and family networks- credit markets of widows and wives in 18th century Amsterdam, lending women, borrowing women- middle class women, investments and credits in northern France in 19th century -- Bridging past and present : women and micro credit in history- gender in Irish loan funds, stokvels and economic empowerments- case of African women in south Africa -- Pioneering projects : Women, institutional roles and economic opportunity, personal perspective on evolution of micro credit in late 29th century, banking with poor self employed women, micro-credit as a path from welfare to work- experience of full circle project UK -- Impacts and issues : Credit options, human resources development and sustainability of women's project - case study of association of creative teaching- women in development projects in south west province Cameroon, negotiating financial autonomy- women, income and credit in urban java, poor female youth and human capital development in Bangladesh- micro credit program -- Policy perspectives : Women's empowerment v/s sustainability- towards a new paradigm in micro finance program, linking formal and informal financial intermediaries in Ghana- way to increase women's access to financial services, financial arrangements across borders- women's predominant participation in popular finance from Thilogne and Dakar to Paris- senegalese case study -- women empowerment
Year: 2001
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