Solid waste management and recycling : Acots, partnerships and policies in Hyderabad, India and Nairobi, Kenya
by Baud ISa
Published by : Kulwer Academic Publishers (London) Physical details: 303p. ISBN:1-4020-1975-0.
Recycling Waste
Environmental -
Waste Management
Refuse and refuse disposal.
markets, partnerships and sustainable development in solid waste management
Collection, transportation and disposal of urban solid waste : In Hyderabad and Nairobi, Evolving partnership in collection of urban solid waste in developing world, trial and error in privatization- the case of Hyderabad solid waste management
Reuse, recovery and recycling of urban inorganic solid waste : modalities, commodity chains and sustainable development, reuse, recovery and recycling of urban inorganic solid waste in Hyderabad, reuse, recovery and recycling of urban inorganic solid waste in Nairobi
Reuse of urban organic solid waste : Urban organic waste- reuse practices and issues for solid waste management in developing countries, urban organic solid waste- practices in Hyderabad, demand for compost from urban organic solid waste in Hyderabad, urban organic solid waste practices in Nairobi
Government, market and community in urban solid waste management- problems and potentials in the transition to sustainable development
Year: 2004