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Design of landfills and integrated solid waste management

by Bagchi Amalendu
Published by : John Wiley & Sons (New Jersy) Physical details: 696p ISBN:0-471-25499-1.
Subject(s): Sanitary landfills. -- Integrated solid waste management. -- Integrated solid waste management : Collection and transportation of waste, waste composition study, source reduction, role of government bodies, planning, source reduction ideas, reducing toxicity, Medical waste management, infectious waste, incineration, waste load estimate, nonhazardous waste, composting, facility design, environmental issues, health and safety, marketing, economics, reuse and recycling, planning, marketing, information on recycling materials recovered from municipality solid waste, material recovery facilities, refuse-derived fuel processing plants, quality control and data collection, land spreading, reuse of industrial by products, engineering characteristics and testing protocols, reuse of industrial by products in civil engineering projects, environmental issues, contaminated soil remediation, maintenance of wells, In/Ex situ remediation methods, project life/ coast estimation, redevelopment of contaminated land, risk assessment, risk based corrective action for redevelopment of contaminated land, legal issues, funding -- Landfill design : comments on regulatory requirements, site selection, leachate and gas generation, factors influencing leachate quality and quantity, gas generation, waste characterization, hazardous waste, land disposal of hazardous waste, identification of nonhazardous waste, natural attenuation landfills, containment landfills, bioreactor landfills, micobiology of landfills, potential advantages of bioreactor landfills, bioreactor landfill design, slope stability, potential obstacles to bioreactor landfill development -- Liner materials, design of landfill elements, geosynthetic membrane, gas venting system design, converting existing natural attenuation landfills to containment landfill, landfill construction, groundwater dewatering system construction, landfill remediation, selection of remedial methods and related issues -- Performance monitoring, groundwater monitoring, leachate tank monitoring, groundwater data analysis, landfill operation, equipment ised for compaction, covering waste, co-disposal of nonhazardous sludge in municipal landfill, fire protection, litter control, dust control, access road maintenance, compensatory wetland development, health and safety, economic analysis
Year: 2004
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