Handbook of solid waste management
by Tchobanoglous George
Additional authors:
Kreith Frank
Edition statement:2nd Ed.
Published by :
(New York)
Physical details: 16.16, I.16
Waste Management
Waste generation and management in a technological society, solid waste management, integrated waste management, implementing integrated waste management strategies, typical costs for major waste management options, decision making, philosophy and organization of this handbook
Federal role in municipal solid waste management : Resource conservation and recovery act, clean air act, clean water act, federal aviation administration guidelines
Solid waste state legislation : Trends in municipal waste generation and management, waste reduction legislation movement, special waste legislation, state funding, waste reduction goals
Planning for municipal solid waste management programs : State solid waste management planning, local and regional solid waste management planning
Solid waste stream characteristics : Municipal solid waste defines, methods of characterizing municipal solid waste, municipal solid waste management, variability of municipal solid waste generation
Source reduction- quantity and toxicity - quantity reduction, toxicity reduction
Collection of solid waste, recycling, markets and products for recycled material, sustainable recycling, recycling markets, market development, trade issues, household hazardous wastes (HHW)- problems of household hazardous products, HHW regulation and policy, product stewardship and sustainability
Other special wastes- automobile and household batteries, used oil, scrap tires, source reduction and reuse, construction and demolition (C&D) debris, source characteristics and quantities of C& debris, regulations governing C&D materials and debris
Computer and other electronic solid waste : hazardous components in computers and electronic waste, disposal of computers is hazardous, extended producer responsibility and electronic toxin phaseouts, clean computer be designed, resources for dealing with computer waste
Composting of municipal solid wastes, waste to energy combustion - incineration technologies, ash management and disposal, landfill disposal, emission control, landfilling, siting municipal solid waste facilities, financing and life cycle costing of solid waste management systems
Year: 2002
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