Sixty years of Indian agriculture 1947 to 2007
by Prasad C S
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New Century Publications
(New Delhi)
Physical details: 502
Indian agriculture - history
Pre-independence agrarian system in India, food crops and cash crops, zamindari system, famines and scarcities
Nature and importance of agriculture in the Indian economy : Agriculture in constitution of India
Agricultural inputs : Seeds, fertilisers,irrigation, insecticides,implements and machines and agricultural research : National seed policy 2002, Command area development programme (CADP), Accelerated irrigation benefits programme (AIBP)
Land reforms- objectives and achievements : Aspects of land reform, critical appraisal of land reforms in India, 8th and 9th plan of land reforms
Agricultural/rural credit-new initiatives : Credit needs of Indian farmers, rural indebtedness,rural credit, Kisan credit cards (KCC), agricultural credit
Marketing of agricultural produce- recent reforms : inter-ministerial task force on agricultural marketing, salient feature of the model act for state agricultural produce marketing act 2003
New agricultural strategy/ green revolution : inter regional inequalities, HYV programmes
Agricultural workers- recent employment guarantee : National rural employment guarantee act 2005
Agricultural price policy, food subsidy and public distribution system : minimum support prices, food subsidy, burgeoning food stocks, public distribution system, long term grain policy, food policy
Indian agriculture and WTO : Aggregate measures of support (AMS), green box support, blue box support, export competition, Hong Kong ministerial declaration 2005
Information technology in Indian agriculture : IFFCO-ISRO cooperation, cyber dhabas, E-Choupal,national e-governance plan,LAN at ministry of agriculture, PPIN, AGMARKNET, DACNET, MIS support to food processing industries, VISTARNET, APHNET, ARISNET, FERMIS, computation of agricultural census
Agricultural insurance : CCIS, ESIS, NAIS, FIIS, livestock insurance
Taxation of agricultural income : Recommendation of the tax reforms committee 1991, recommendation of the tax force on direct taxes 2002,recommendation of the committee on taxation of agricultural wealth and income 1972
Recent initiatives in Indian agriculture : national agriculture policy 2000, export and import, marine fishing policy 2004
Extracts on agriculture from India's Five year plans (1 to 10 plan including mid-term appraisal of tenth plan )
Year-wise review of agricultural developments in India 1947-2006
Time series data (1950-51 to 2004-05 ) on Indian agriculture
Year: 2006
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