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Sixty years of Indian industry 1947 to 2007 : Growth, reforms and outlook

by Chatterjee Anup
Published by : New Century Publications (New Delhi) Physical details: 503p. ISBN:81-7708-110-1.
Subject(s): Industrial policy. -- Industrialization -- Industries. -- Small Scale industries -- policies and development -- Indian indusrty - past and present : Pre-independence industrial scene, consequence of British rule, legal framework for industrialization, industrial (development and regulation ) act 1951, monopolies and restrictive trade practices (MRTP) act 1969, FERA and FEMA, competition act 2002 -- Post independence industrial policy : Industrial policy resolution 1948 and 1956, industrial policy statements 1973, 1977 and 1980, public sector, absence of internal and foreign competition, industrial liberalization, industrial policy statement -- Public sector enterprises : Industrial policy statement 1991 and public sector policy, public sector disinvestment commission, privatization in action, supreme court judgement September 16, public sector at state level -- Small scale industries : Arguments for small scale industries, problems of small industries, policy measures to help small industries, policy initiatives for promoting small industries -- Infrastructure - policy and development : Build-operate transfer (BOT), public private partnership, power sector, state electricity boards, Indian railways, road and road transport, ports, civil aviation, telecommunications, industrial parks, urban and rural infrastructures, Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY), rural electrification, Indira awaas yojanan (IAY), rural infrastructure development fund (RIDF) -- Industrial finance- new regulatory and supervisory measures, industrial labour- restructuring labour laws, industrial sickness causes and preventive measures, tax incentives for industrialization, tax incentives under income tax act 1961, tax holiday schemes, Indian industry and WTO, Thrid trade policy review of India at WTO, agriculture, non- agricultural market access(NAMA), non-tariff barriers, service, Singapore issues, anti-dumping and subsidies agreements, TRIPS and public health, agreement on textiles and clothing (ATC), Hong Kong ministerial declaration 2005 -- Extracts on industry from India's five year plans ( First to Tenth plan including mid term appraisal of tenth plan) -- Village industry, industrial development, village and small industries, handloom and power loom, khadi and village industries, sericulture, coir, handicrafts, rural industries project -- Year wise review of industrial developments in India 1947-48 to 2006-07 -- Industrial policy resolution, statement on industrial policy, new industrial policy and other concessions in north eastern region, industrial infrastructure upgradation scheme (IIUS), growth center scheme, industrial park scheme, scheme for integrated development of leather sector, draft national design policy, scheme for central assistance to state for developing export infrastructure and other allied activities, report on Indian electronics hardware export, anti- dumping laws and procedures in India -- Industrial policy reforms in selected state of India, new industrial policy and other concession for state of Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir, national entrepreneurship development board (NEDB) scheme, scheme of micro finance program, scheme of fund for regeneration of traditional industries (SFURTI), special economics zones, main recommendations of the task forces on direct and indirect taxes
Year: 2006
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