Sustainable solid waste management: Issues policies and structures
by Dhamija Urvashi
Published by : Academic Foundation (New Delhi) Physical details: 264p. ISBN:81-7188-428-8.
Refuse and refuse disposal
Municipal solid Waste
Biomedical Waste
Solid waste management in Delhi
From solid waste management to sustainable solid waste management : solid waste in low income countries, solid waste management in low income countries, waste management hierarchy, alternative solid waste perspective, role of NGOs/CBOs, participation of private sector, support of national governments, role of international agencies, sustainable solid waste management paradigm, sources and characteristics of waste in SSWM, improvement in waste management system, sustainable solid waste management paradigm, political antecedents of Rio conference, SSWM model
Municipal solid waste- non hazardous waste : Delhi 21 perspective, government of India initiatives, nature of municipal solid waste, interventions of public authorities
Hazardous and biomedical waste : Hazardous waste, biomedical waste
Human waste : problem of human waste in Delhi
Year: 2006
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