Economic review 2005
by Government of Kerala
Published by : State Planning Board (Thiruvananthapuram) Physical details: S 329p
Kerala: State finance, Income and population, Agriculture, Water management, Irrigation, national horticulture mission, Livestock,Fisheries, Water resources, Costal zone management, JBIC assisted keral water supply project, Kerala rural water supply and sanitation project, Environment, Bio-diversity conservation, mangroves and scared groves, land degradation, Disaster management, pollution, Total sanitation campaign (TSC), Solid waste management, Bio medical waste, Kyoto protocol, Forest and wild life, Agro forestry , Participatory forest management (PFM), Forest revenue, Wild life and biosphere reserve
Energy development: Power development and reforms programme, Status of power sector reforms, Kerala state electricity regulatory commission, Non conventional energy programmes energy conservation
Industry and Mining: SLPE reforms in Kerala, Small scale industry, Cluster development, Industrial cooperatives, KINFRA food park, Hand loom industry, Coir industry, Khadi and village industries, sericulture, Cashew industry
Infrastructure : Kerala's transport system, Kerala port policy, Indian water transport, Air transport, Communications, Urban development, Integrated development plan, Solid waste management, Urban development programmes
Education system in Kerala
Health sector and family welfare , housing , Keral state housing board, Kerala state co-operative housing federation, HUDCO
Poverty and special programmes for weaker sections : Kudumbashree programmes, Asraya, Poverty alleviation programmes, land reforms, Urban poverty reduction programmes, social security and welfare , social security and pension, Welfare fund boards, Safety of factory workers, social justice, tribal development mission
Prices and food security : Consumer price index, Retail prices, Consumption expenditure , Wholesale price index, parity index, Wages, Food security, Mid-day meal programme, Kerala state civil supplies corporation
Export and Import: India's foreign trade, Export in Cochin port, Marine products, Spices, Cashew, Coir products
Institutional and bank finance : commercial banks, Growth of bank deposit, NRE deposits, Credit deposit ration, Agricultural finance, Priority sector lending in Kerala, Rural credit, NABARD, Rural infrastructure development fund, Non banking financial institutions in Kerala; Chit funds
Gender and development: Literacy, Life expectancy, Crime against wome, Political participation of women in Kerala, Kerala women's commission, Women development corporation
labour and employment :Inter state migration of labour force, Unemployment , Migration, Foreign remittance, Return emigrants, Placement through ODEPC, NORKWA
Human development and socio-economic well being in Kerala: Human development index, Human poverty index, sex ration, education, health, poverty, crime and infrastructure
Information technology : Technopark, Inforpark, IT industry, FRIENDS, Indian institute of information technology and management
local governments and decentralised development: Tenth plan and Kerala development plan, ASRAYA, AKSHAYA, Grama panchayats, Local government election 2005, Decentralisation support programme, KILA, Information Kerala mission (IKM), Modernising government programme-LSG initiatives, General initiatives
Science and Technology : Biotechnology development, R& D centres, Rajiv Gandhi centre for biotechnology, TBGRI
World trade agreement : Hong Kong ministerial conference 2005, agreement on agriculture (AoA), Fisheries subsides, Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) agreement, Technical Barriers to trade, Trade related intellectual property rights(TRIPS), Agreement in textiles and clothing(ATC), General agreement on trade in services(GATS), India's commitment under the GATS, Regional trading agreements (RATs), South Asia free trade agreement, India- ASEAN agreement
Year: 2006
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