Management of natural resources for sustainable livelihoods and poverty alleviation
by Srivastava O N
Series: Foundation day series. Published by : National Institute of Rural Development (Hyderabad) Physical details: 788p. ISBN:81-85542-76-7.
Sustainable development
Economic Conditions
Management of natural resources for livelihoods security : Pre-requisite for sustainable natural resource management, management of natural resources for livelihoods security,, management of natural resources and poverty, management of natural resources for improved livelihoods security in crop livestock systems- policy issue, management of natural resources for sustainable livelihoods and poverty alleviation, silvi-horticulture practices for a sustainable living, sericulture as alternative means of livelihood- study of Madhya pradesh sericulture project, management of natural resources for livelihood security programs and policies and approaches, floriculture for poverty alleviation in drought prone areas- problems and prospects, irrigation and social transformation, sustainable livelihood for scheduled tribes- perspectives on minor forest produce, community resources management and farming systems
Technology for natural resource management : Natural resource management and technology, participatory watershed management in cold deserts, geospatial technology for precision farming, watershed A to Z software, productivity and sustainability of intensive cropping systems through integrated nutrient management, application of Geo informatics in natural resources management at micro level, integrated study on delineation of natural recharge zones for ground water, prioritization of watershed village through socio-economic ranking system, effect on rainy season residual moisture on productivity of post rainy season chickpea in vertisols of Kurnool district, ecological and economic impact of Acacia Nilotica plantations in tank foreshore areas of south India, from stock of rural water supply (RWS) to flow of sector reforms program, application of remote sensing and GIS in planning for natural resource management
Institutional arranagements for natural resource management : Rural institutions, land policy and land management in Upland areas of north east India, natural resources management - role of panchayats, communication strategy for effective NRM- watershed management, management of common lands- need for people's initiatives, non economic motivation and sustainable natural resource management, water users association in irrigation management- opportunities and challenges for collective action, panchayati raj institutions (PRIs) and Community based organizations (CBOs) in common pool natural resource management institutional dimensions, participatory forest protection and development through joint forest management, institutional arrangement for NRM farmers drainage societies for land development, resource management for rural micro enterprise, institutional arrangements for natural resources management, farmers participation in irrigation management, natural resource literacy- planning for watershed through PRIs in Kerala, water insecurity, institutions and livelihoods of poor- changes in a south Indian canal irrigation system over period, rural self governing institutions in managing natural resources
Natural resources management under globalization : Approaches to natural resource auditing, WTO and Indian agriculture challenges and opportunities, ecological impact of participatory watershed development in Andhra Pradesh, sustainable rainfed cotton production through integrated nutrient management (INM), agri-biodiversity and IPR in India, conservation of livestock biodiversity
Year: 2004
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