India: Industrialisation in a reforming economy- Essays for K L Krishna
by Tendulkar Suresh D
Published by : Academic Foundation (New Delhi) Physical details: 637p ISBN:81-7188-488-1.
India in Economic policy in 1991-
Industrialization in India.
Economic policy. in India
Shift in industrial policy paradigm
Indian industrialization - technical efficiency and total factor productivity : productivity growth in Indian manufacturing in the 1980s and 1990s, technical efficiency of state owed enterprises in China, Determinants of firm level technological change in the Indian small-scale industries, Productivity growth in Indian engineering industries during pre-reform and post reform period,Domestic capacity utilisation and import of capital goods in India
Urbanization, employment and infrastructure issues for Indian industries : Poverty, Industry-urban nexus, employment, employemnt growth in factory manufacturing sector during pre- and post- reform period, Insitutional environment and development of information and communication technology in India, Infrastructural projects- estimation and mitigation of contingent fiscal liabilities
Trade and Indian industrialisation : Trade liberalisation and industrial performance, Trade restrictions distort domestic relative price ration, improving industrial productivity , trade liberalisation, India's capital and intermediate goods sector,India's manufactured export performance
MNC and technology transfer in Indian industries : Foreign direct investment- technology transfer and growth, Liberalisation, outward orinetation and in-house R&D activity of multinational and local firms, Technology acquisition and export compatitiveness - Indian auto-mobile industry, R&D, import of technology and trade intensities, inter-source FDI differences in technology transfer behaviour
Indian industry and environment : Policy options for prevention and control of industrial pollution in India, Measuring productivity of natural capital, economies of scale in water pollution abatement- case of small scale factories in an industrial estate in India, Prospects of market for water pollution in India- Diary industry
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