An introduction to human services- Policy and practice
by Schram Barbara
Additional authors:
Mandell Betty Reid
Published by :
Alan and Bacon
Physical details: 612p.
Social service
Social case work
Human Growth and Development
Social Welfare
What are human services, what do human service workers do, human service network, finding the appropriate human service program,
Changing nature of the helping process : Society shapes helping behavior, helping in western culture, cycles of helping, welfare rights movements, behavior defined as a social problem, defining problems, AIDS, preventive health care, defining family violence, history of human service work, COSs and settlement house movements, social work school
Strategies of intervention : Multicausality, strategies of intervention, direct service strategies, direct service and system change strategies, activities and tasks used to implement each strategy
Attitude/values, skills and knowledge : Professional helping relationship, pyramid model, attitudes/ values, skills and knowledge, attitudes and values of the human service worker, skills of human service worker, basic knowledge of the human service worker
Values and ethical dilemmas : Unbiased workers, dilemmas surrounding the value of self determination, some current ethical conflicts, conflicting views on the nature of human nature, conflicts caused by bureaucratic demands, conflicts due to the variation in national values in US, impact of the AIDS epidemic on homosexual men, ethical conflicts
Social welfare system : Social security, AFDC, food stamps, unemployment insurance, medical aid program, earned income tax credit, personal social services, vital service delivery program, services for pregnant and parenting teens, metal health services, medical social work, developmental disabilities, private enterprise and social welfare programs, homeless
Implementing human service interventions
Working with diversity : Struggle for equality, understanding ethnicity, bicultural theory, oppression and exclusion, media stereotypes, social class, gender, women empowerment, gays and lesbians, differently abled
Interviewing : Characteristics of an interview, structure of an interview, recording
Case management/ counseling : Coordinated approach to partnership in parenting (CAPP), goals of case manager/ counselor, process of case management/ counseling, building supportive relationships, crisis intervention, case management/counseling in the era of managed health care
Facilitating groups : Workers as group members, establishing and facilitating a group
Program planning : Basic tools of the planning process, phases and steps in planning process
Organizing and changing systems : Getting to the source of the problem, checking on the mental health quotient (MHQ) of a system, dilemma's of the change agent, method of organizing and changing systems, planning and implementing a change effort, rewards of social change interventions
Thriving and surviving in this field
Understanding legal issues : Law as resources, law as restriction, laws every workers needs to know, helping clients get their legal rights, some current legal issues
Staying current and avoiding burnout : some reactions to stressful conditions, staying alive positive adjustments
Year: 2000
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