Human rights of indegenous peoples: Comparative analysis of indegenous peoples- Volume II
by Gupta Aman
Published by : Isha Books (New Delhi) Physical details: 299p.:V.2 ISBN:81-8205-205-X.
Civil rights
Legal status
Social conditions.
Indigenous people and ethic invasion : Indigenous people in Bangladesh, Bengali settlers, population transfer programmes, Negative impact of the Jumma economy, ethical cleansing, Racial discrimination, population transfer and international law
Indigenous people and their relationship to land : Doctrine of dispossession, Land right
Indigenous people and human right : International treaties, Systems of UN human rights, Mining and international law, emergence of human right standards
Indigenous people and natural, cultural and intellectual resources
International and domestic legal practice, protection of cultural and intellectual resources, standards and materials, universal declaration of human rights , international convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination, international covenant on civil and political rights, world bank operational directive 4.20(September 1991), united nations draft declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples, proposed inter-American declaration on rights of indigenous people
Indigenous people and sustainable development : Rights and knowledge , Cosmovision and spirituality, seld-determination and territory, treaties, Women, children and youth, Sacred sites, food security, Indigenous knowledge and intellectual property right, Biodiversity, Forest and protected are, tourism , fisheries, marine and coastal resources, climate change, health, desertification , education , science technology and communication, sustainable livelihood, corporate accountability, governance
Indigenous people and native Americans: Legal discrimination, economic discrimination, education discrimination, criminal justice, Racism
Indigenous people in satin america and the carinnean: digital divide
Indigenous people of Vietnam
Genetics of indigenous people
Charter of the indigenous tribal people of the tropical forests : Statement of the international alliance of the indigenous and tribal people of the tropical forest, Development policy, forest policy,
Future of indigenous people : Indigenous resistance to global capitalism
Year: 2005
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