Who benefits from public health spending in India: Results of a benefit incidence analysis for India
Published by : National Council of Applied Economic Research (New Delhi) Physical details: 253p ISBN:81-85877-96-3.
Medical care in India.
Medical care in India in Finance.
Public health in India.
Methodology of benefit incidence and data sources : Benefit incidence analysis, health data from national sample survey, government expenditures and facility costing- data sources, poverty line, expenditure quintiles, scheduled castes and tribes- data sources and methods
Utilization of health care : Utilization of impatient services for curative care not related to childbirth, outpatient visits, immunizations, inpatient days related to childbirth, antenatal and post natal care
Gross and net costs of health care services : Unit cost estimates from facility costing studies, unit cost estimates from aggregate government health expenditure data and NSS utilization data, user change
Allocation of public health subsidies by socio economic category : Results from facility cost method, results from government budget data methods
Year: 2002