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Indian economy documents compendium 2006: Reports, policy documents, discussion papers

Published by : Academic Foundation (New Delhi) Physical details: 404p ISBN:81-7188-492-X.
Subject(s): India in Economic policy in 1991- in Sources. -- India in Economic conditions in 21st century in Sources. -- Economic history. -- All major Economic Laws, Guidelines, Draft proposals, Report of task force, Consultation paper, Rules, Bills, Agreements, Act, Amendments, Drafts, Ordinance, Regulations, Orders, Reports, Procedures, Standards , Recommendations, Schemes and government official documents -- Union budget 2005-06, Economic survey 2004-05,Five year plans, Annual policy statement 2005-60, Macroeconimic and monetary development in 2004-05, Railway budget, India's foreign direct investment, Prevention of money laundering bill, national electricity policy, National jute policy, Economic and functional classification of the central government budget 2004-05, Policy thrust areas of ministries/ department, Comments on draft national policy for persons with disabilities, Bills related to ground water and other water resources, Bills related to rural development and electrification, Inter-ministry task groups on comprehensive medium term strategy for food and nutrition security , Targeted public distribution system(TPDS), Draft model excise policy, Banking regulation bill, Draft scheduled tribes bill, Tea control order, food safety and standards bill, Draft model excise act, Patent act and ordinance, Pension fund regulatoru development authority bill, Banking cash transaction tax rules, finance act 2005, India's external debt, Recommendations made by finance commissions, Calamity relief fund, BSE scheme, Central excise law -- SEBI committee to re examine the issues relating to MAPIN, Reserve bank of India bill, Right to information act, ISP licence and VPN, Digitalisation, Telecommunication interconnection usage charges regulation, Telecommunication tariff order, State finance, Register interconnect agreements regulations , CENVAT, unorganized sector, Agriculture and biotechnology , major and medium irrigation projects, National mineral policy, Urban water and sanitation service guidelines ,National policy for urban street vendors, Urban reforms incntive fund (URIF-II), national environmental policy , Delimitation , Gas cylinder rules, Comprehensive marine fishing policy , Indian telegraph act, Stock exchange, WANA countries, Reports of Human resource development in information technology , WTO negotiations on trade in services, Electricity bill and act, Charted accountants bill, Companies bill and act,competition act, Cost and works accountants bill, Company secretaries bill -- Taxation laws, National numbering plan, Telecommunication interconnection usage,
Year: 2006
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