Rural development statistics 2003-04
Published by : NIRD (Hyderabad) Physical details: 366p. ISBN:81-85542-80-5.
Economic history
Rural development
Social conditions
Selected demographic and socio-economic indicators
Outlaya and expendicture -by heads of development; for different schemes of rural development; for welfare of SCs and STs etc
Population : rural and urban, sex ratios , vital rate, NFHS, TFR,
Socio-economic Characteristics : national income, NDP, per capita income, Investments
Labour Force Participation Rates : Rural labour
Employment and Unemployment
Literacy and Migration
wage and Debt
Consumption and Poverty
Agriculture and allied Activities : land, irrigation, agricultural inputs, crop production crop insurance and livestock,storage marketing and exports, wasteland development,
Rural Credit and Cooperation : rural credit, cooperation,
Rural industries
Rural development programmes : SGSY , Indira awaas yojana
Social Services : education ,rural health, nutrition, drinking water supply and sanitation, rural roads, rural electrification , family planning, rural cooking energy, rural housing, communication
Social Consumption : education, health, public distribution system, housing and other basic amenities , integrated rural development programme
Panchayati Raj
Schedules caste and Scheduled tribes
Rural Women
Year: 2005
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