Silent valley: Whispers of reason
by Manoharan T M
Additional authors:
Biju S D;Nayar T S;Easa P S
Published by :
Kerala Forest Department
Physical details: 421p.
Forest conservation
Milestones of destiny : Silent valley national park- biological paradise, media's role in forest conservation- case study of campaign to save silent valley,.photonaturalist in silent valley, sustainability for future generations
Handling the heritage : Historical perspective, status paper on silent valley national park, candidate for world natural heritage site, problems and prospects in protecting silent valley
Denizens - plants : Forest types, biodiversity and ecological status of silent valley as revealed by its angiosperm flora, remote sensing in biodiversity conservation with special reference to silent valley and its environs, palnt wealth of silent valley, additions to flora of silent valley, discoveries, occurrence of Sri Lankan endemic plants in silent valley, rare and threatened plants, orchids, wild crop genetic resources of silent valley with special reference to in situ conservation of piper species, araceae of silent valley and neighbourhood, observations on Epiphytic flora of silent valley, species preferences of two endangered primates in tropical rain forests of silent valley
Animals : Some generalizations based on faunistic studies in silent valley, mammals of silent valley, butterflies and moths, rain, faunistic novelties of silent valley, lion tailed macaque, bird community structure in three different vegetation types of silent valley and adjacent forest area, snakes, lower vertebrate of silent valley, Avifauna, lesser carnivores
Year: 1999
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