A radical history of development studies: Indivudals, institutions and ideologies
by Kothari Uma
Published by : Zed Books (New York) Physical details: 232p. ISBN:1-84277-525-1.
Development studies
Radical history of development studies
Great promise, hubris and recovery- participants history of development studies : Prologomenon, positivist orthodoxy, challenges of act V, globalisation, globalization
From colonial administration to development studies-post colonial critique of the history of development studies, critical reflections of a development nomad, secret diplomacy uncover-research on the world bank in 1960s and 1980s
Development studies and Marxists, political struggle and intellectual dynamism, journeying in radical development studies - reflecting on thirty years of researching pro-poor development,Marxian modes of production analysis, gender and development, development studies, nature and natural resources,populist environmentalism, political ecology
Individuals, organizations and public action - trajectories of non-governmental in development studies, NGOs research in development studies
Year: 2005
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