Micro enterprise promotion in agriculture: Indian imperatives and global perspective
by Sharma J P
Published by : Ambika Book Agency (Jaipur) Physical details: 457p. ISBN:81-87118-02-4.
Agricultural industries
Government policy
Industrial promotion
Small business
Sustainable development
Sustainable rural entrepreneurship process creating added values for the economy, dairy farming- pofitable enterprise, income & employment generation through forest and forest based industries, opportunities and challenges for Indian livestock in context of globalisation, WTO, SPS, GMOS
Micro enterprises in agriculture for sustainable development, fodder supply micor models for peri-urban systems, live stock enterprise- potential sector for employment and income generation, constraints and strategies in livestock enterprise promotion in India
Rural industries in India- issues, challenges and strategies, creating entrepreneurial environment and sustainable development in agriculture through farmers-scientist interaction -case study, piggery micro-enterprise-an unexploited profitable husbandry for rural people, value addition of unconventional fiber handicrafts for women empowerment
Innovative strategy for employment generation and rural prosperity in agriculture, role of apiculture in rural livelihood, problems and factors affecting the performance of milk cooperatives societies in promoting dairy as a micro enterprise in punjab, promoting rural employment through micro enterprise development, women entrepreneurship development, entrepreneurial opportunities for farm/ non-farm women of Rajasthan
Entrepreneurial opportunities for home-science graduates, commercialization of developing designs from the sculptures of Ranakpur, strengthening self help groups for agro-business in Bikaner district- concept and component, rural women empowerment through self help groups, self help group- bank linkage and microfinance
Discovering assets through the community helpers program- Canadian model, motivation types and sources for self employed rural women, entrepreneurship development among rural women through bee keeping enterprise, self help groups as catalyst of rural development, impact of swarna jayanti grama swarozgar yojana (SGSY) on women beneficiaries in Karnataka
Communication web on micro finance, sustainable eco-enterprises for women's empowerment- role of micro-credit, sustainable eco-enterprises for women's empowerment- role of micro-credit, micro-credit- basic issues and strategies, women entrepreneurs under swaranjayanti gram swarojgar yojana (SGSY)- case studies, micro-credit support in promoting women microenterprises, marketing strategies for microenterprise development
Micro-enterprise promotion in rural India- vocational education and training, empowering villagers through micro enterprises, reorienting farm education for entrepreneurship development and self employment, notion of value and sustainable development in community mobilization
Role of information technology in promoting rural enterprises, privatization of extension services for agri-enterprises promotion in India, culture and social animation- community mobilizer, training and HRD for promoting rural entrepreneurship
Blending technology- systematic approach to empower rural women, girl child's personality & type of school- need for convergence for entrepreneurial growth, contribution of farm women to family income in rural area in rajasthan, women and work- mapping dimensions of poor women's work in a globalizing environment, experience in microenterprise promotion with rural women
Extension strategies to promote entrepreneurship among rural women, gender issues and entrepreneurship development a case study of rural women's cooperative credit society, entrepreneurship development programmes towards income generation for rural and tribal women
Year: 2006
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