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Reconciling work and family responsibilities: Practical ideas form global experience

by Hein Catherine
Published by : International Labour Organization (Ganeva) Physical details: 207p. ISBN:92-2-115352-5.
Subject(s): family responsibilities -- arrangement of working time -- hours of work. -- informal care -- personnel policy -- social policy -- Work-family reconciliation-policy challenges : International labour/labor standards, separation of home and workplace, increasing labor force participation of women, declining availability of family assistance, increasing pressures of work and long working hours, increasing travel time, HIV/AIDS increases stress, difficulties faced by workers and their families -- Why governments and social partners are intervening : Different visions of role of government, social and economic costs of non intervention, sub optimal family solution for care, under utilization of women's education and skills, economic vulnerability of women and families, increasing equality, health costs, low fertility in industrialized countries, why employers are becoming more family friendly, addressing problems at workplace , business case, why trade unions are becoming more involved -- Overview of national policies and measures : Coping with emergencies, measures under primary responsibility of governments, labor legislation and social security, care service, facilitating reentry into labor force, communication and information, promotion change through advocacy and tripartite participation, government advocacy, employer advocacy, trade union advocacy, expanded dialogue, work-family measures and objective of gender equality, female carer and male ideal worker -- Policies and practices at workplace : Policies for a family friendly workplace, women friendly, process for introducing family friendly practices, factors promoting success -- Care arrangements : Informal care, household employees, services for children before compulsory school age, formal child care outside family home, childcare and child development, school age services, care services for elderly, care services for sick and disabled, need for tailor made approach and closeness, working conditions of care workers and domestic workers -- Leave entitlements : Annual leave, short leave for family emergencies, maternity leave, paternity leave, carer's leave -- Work schedules and location : Long hours persist, asocial hours are increasing, part-time work, flexibility of working time, flexibility of location
Year: 2005
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