Studies in macroeconomics and welfare
by Bhattacharya B B
Additional authors:
Mitra Arup
Edition statement:Ed
Published by :
Academic Foundation
(New Delhi)
Physical details: 423p.
Economic policy
Econometric models.
Public welfare
Macro economics
Forecasting exchange rate with a Bayesian vector auto regression (BVAR) model- Indian experience, forecasting Indian interest rates using univariate and multivariate models, macroeconomic effects of changes in selected monetary and fiscal variables- simulation analysis for India
Money demand in Indian economy - time varying parameter approach, search for stable money demand function for India - co-integration approach, optimizing growth and inflation- some empirical results relating to the Indian economy using control theory
Comparing measures of core inflation for India, endogenous distribution, politics and growth equity trade off, measuring benefits from reduced air pollution in cities of Delhi and Kolkata in India using hedonic property prices model, dynamics of rice production in Kerala- cobweb approach
Welfare : Rural poverty and rural infrastructure in India, public policy stance and human development- panel analysis, maternal health care utilization - empirical analysis based on rural India, quality health care and household choice - evidence from NSS and NFHS data for the state of west Bengal
Economic and social benefits of micro finance programs- econometric analysis, repayment performance of random rosca in west Bengal
Year: 2005
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