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Agriculture and rural development in India:- Post-liberalisation initiatives

by Ahuja Astha
Published by : New Century Publications (New Delhi) Physical details: 265p.
Subject(s): Indian agriculture during British rule : Commercialisation of agriculture, new land system, famines and scarcities -- Agriculture in modern India : Constitutional provisions pertaining to agriculture, importance of agriculture in the Indian economy, use distribution of India's geographical area, cropping pattern in Indian agriculture, classification of agricultural crops, subsistence nature farming, small sized agricultural holdings, low productivity of Indian agriculture, system of marketing of agricultural produce, agricultural workers, land reforms, new agricultural strategy/ green revolution, HYV programme -- Agricultural/ rural credit in India : Credit needs of the Indian farmers, extent and nature of rural indebtedness- findings of the all- India debt and investment survey 1981-82, source of rural credit- Cooperative societies, micro finance, Kisan credit cards( KCCs), moneylenders, advisory committee on the flow of credit to agriculture and related activities from the banking system, agricultural credit- recent policy announcements -- Agricultural inputs : National seeds policy 2020, crop insurance, fertiliser consumption policy, urea pricing , control and subsidy, optimum utilisation of water resources - accelerated irrigation benefits programme (AIBP), Command area development programme (CADP), watershed development -- Agricultural price policy, food subsidy and public distribution system : Minimum support prices, food subsidy, burgeoning food stocks, burgeoning food stock, PDS, targeted public distribution system, long term grain policy, food policy -- Indian agriculture and WTO -- Agriculture and information technology : IFFCO-ISRO cooperation, cyber dhabas, E-choupal, national E-governance plan 2003-07, other IT services to agricultural sector, computerisation of agricultural census 1995-96 and input survey 1996-97 -- Agricultural insurance : Need for insurance, classification of agriculture sector for insurance purpose, Insurance penetration in agriculture- potential and requirement, constraints and limitations, risk management of agricultural insurance, financial implications, role of government, Private insurance companies, parastatal insurance organizations, market- sponsored companies, reinsurance, advent and development of agriculture/rural insurance in India, comprehensive crop insurance scheme CCIS, experimental crop insurance scheme (ESIS), national agricultural insurance scheme (NAIS), sedd crop insurance, farm income insurance scheme (FIIS), livestock insurance, non-crop insurance schemes, agriculture insurance corporation, recommendations of Malhotra committee on rural insurance -- Taxation of agricultural income : Constitutional provisions, recommendations of the- committee on taxation of agriculture wealth and income 1972, tax reforms committee 1991, task force on direct taxes 2002 -- Rural infrastructure and development : Indira awaas yojana, Pradhan mantri gram sadak yojana (PMGSY), rural infrastructure development (RIDF), lok nayak jai prakash narayan fund ( agriculture infrastructure and credit fund ), rural electrification - rajiv gandhi grameen vidyutikaran yojana, national rural employment guarantee act, bharat nirman, tenth five year plan, rural development in 2005-06 union budget -- Miscellany of issues and initiatives in agriculture : national agriculture policy 2000, protection of plant varieties and farmers rights legislation, development of food processing industry, agricultural exports and imports, protecting domestic agriculture, vishesh krishi upaj yojana, oil seeds/ edible oils, policy initiatives for new employments, crop diversification, horticulture crops, agriculture diversification, plantation sector, marine fishing policy, tenth five year plan on agriculture and rural development
Year: 2006
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