Fiscal federalism:- Issues and policies
by Rao Hemlata
Published by : New Century Publications (New Delhi) Physical details: 355p. ISBN:81-7708-102-0.
Fiscal policy, Fiscal Imbalances, Revenue sharing.
Intergovernmental fiscal relations
Major issues in federal finance, Allocation of power and functions, use of quantitative measures in fiscal federalism
Issues in vertical fiscal imbalance : Brining down resource surplus of the federal government, Raising tax revenue and lowering expenditure of states, Federal fiscal adjustments , Tax sharing and tax assignments, Supplementary levies, Tax-base sharing, Tax rental arrangements, Tax credits, Grants and grants in aid
Vertical fiscal imbalance - centralisation and decentralisation : Breton and scott method
Issues in horizontal fiscal imbalance : Equity approach, Buchanan's approach, Fiscal equalisation, Equalisation payment programmes
Taxable capacity and tax effort of federating states
Representative tax system approach : RTS in India
Expenditure needs - issues and measures : Environmental factors, Inter-state price level differences, Legal requirements, Studies measuring fiscal/expenditure needs of states, Measuring expenditure needs of states in India
Measures of development and inter-state disparities : Federal fiscal transfer and economic background, Methodological issues, Criteria for selection of indicators, Methods used for delineation of homogeneous regions, Measures of disparities
Multivariate techniques used in regional analysis : Ranking methods, Coefficient of correlation method, , Principle Component / factor analysis, Principle component analysis, Comparison between correlation matrix and covariance matrix in finding principal components, Comparison of different factor extraction procedures, Hierarchical ranking analysis, Delineation of homogeneous regions, Cluster analysis, Discriminant analysis, Correspondence analysis
Techniques of revenue forecast : Multivariate techniques, elasticity and buoyancy method, Multivariate determinants models, Combination techniques, Methodology for forecasting tax yield of Indian states, State excise and motor vehicle tax, Tenth finance commission, Forecasting of sales tax yield for Karnataka
Year: 2006
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