Green technologies for sustainable agriculture
by Kumar Arvind
Additional authors:
Dubey Pushpalata
Published by :
Daya Publications
(New Delhi)
Physical details: 311p.
Agricultural innovations
Green technologies and sustainable agriculture, soil and ground water pollution, resource productivity and allocation efficiency of sunflower, Horticulture traits in cauliflower, sewage water irrigated fodder grass, seed conservation of cucumber, weed management in soybean, effects of growth regulators on yield and yield components in rice
Climate influences on water use-efficiencies in irrigated wheat , genetic divergence in mungbean, effect of different growing media on cut flower production of Gerbera under polyhouse conditions, correlation and path analysis for yield and other economic traits in white x colour linted crosses of american cotton, allelopathic effect of chenopodium murale towards lens culinaries, effect of surplus nutrition on dry matter accumulation, sugar yield and sulphur uptake in suru sugarcane, dry matter accumulation and nitrogen uptake of basmati rice varieties as influenced by nitrogen application and lodging management, role of copper and manganese application of nitrate reductase and protease enzyme activities of zingiber officinale rosc.L. Var-1, reaction of rice cultivars against gall midge population of orissa under natural infestation conditions, influence of carbon sources on In vitro seed germinantion, protocorm and shoot formation in vanilla planifolia, influence of INM on availabilityand uptake of macro nutrients to rice, uptake of nutrients by Maize and the associated weeds under integrated weed management, differnt level of gulkand on chemical composition and organoleptic quality of ice cream
Seasonal incidence of diamondback moth on cabbage, genetic diversity for yield and its attributing traits in rice, role of azospirillum for enhancing the efficacy of inorganic nitrogen in relation to growth and yield of wheat, studies on the efficacy of five botanical extracts as pupicidal against trogoderma granarium, bioconversion of parthenium hysterophorus as an organic manure for chilli, effects of brewery effluent on photosynthetic pigments , starch , nitrate reductase activity and protein content of vigna mungo, influence of new molecules against sucking pest complex of brinjal, growth and development of weeds in sodic soil, groundwater potential of bist doab tract, comparison of immunostimulant activity of ocimum sanctum linn. leaf extracts, combining ability studies for yield and yield components in sunflower, economic heterosis for yield and its components in sunflower, interaction effect of rhizobium and pressmud compost on yield of gram, micropropagation of wedelia chinensis through high frequency shoot multiplication using nodal explants
Effects of pesticides, herbicides, fumigants and synthetic fertilizers on the nutrient uptake of rice, correlation and path analysis in rice, rapid in vitro propagation of pogostemon cablin - aromatic plant species with high demand,combining ability studies in sunflower, effect of planting varying number of seedlings per hill on growth and yield of some rice varieties during dry season in west Bengal, snow direction and planning pattern of raya intercropping on wheat yield under rainfed conditions, cereals diets on breeding of coryra cephalonica statinton, preliminary field evaluation of ready mix sherlone 24EC for control of sucking pest complex of chilli, effect of thiourea on the germination of three varities of vigna radiata, reaction of blackgram genotypes against major insect pest, survey of fungal diseases of economically important crops, genetic architecture of yield and its component traits in rice, soil solarization and herbicides on nutrients uptake by soybean and associated weeds, long term influence of organic and inorganic fertilization on the C/N ration of alfisol under maize- wheat cropping sequence
efficacy of insecticides and their combination with NSKE for the management of insect pests of blackgram, physiological studies on new plant types originating from tropical japonicas in rice, effect of planting methods and irrigation levels on water use of maize, impact of organic farming practices on fruit quality, resurgence of red spider mite tetranychus cinnabarinus boisd on brinjal, efficacy of cashew nut shell liquid as seed protectant of cowpea, vigna unguiculata against its pest callosobrunchus maculatus
Year: 2006
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