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A health economics primer

by Johnson-Lans Shirley
Series: Addison-Wesley series in economics. Published by : Pearson Education (Japan) Physical details: 363p. ISBN:0-321-13669-1.
Subject(s): Medical Economics -- Health care economics, medical care vs health care -- Demand for health, health care and insurance markets : Demand for health and the demand for health care, human capital, Grossman model -- Nature of health insurance market : Employment based group insurance, elasticity of demand for health insurance,optimal insurance contracts, health insurance on the consumption of medical care -- Evaluation to managed care : Indemnity and managed care insurers, studies comparing HMOs with indemnity plans, types of managed care plans, carve-outs- case of behavioural health care, managed competition -- Social insurance in US: Social health insurance coverage for the elderly, poor and disabled, social insurance programs -- Providers of health care : Physicians, nurses and hospitals -- Physicians and nurses as inputs into the production of health care , supply and demand of nurses, hospitals -- Evaluation of technology, technological change and the bio-pharmaceutical industry : Cost benefit and cost effectiveness analysis, cost utility analysis -- Role of technology in health care, economics of prescription drugs, governmental regulation of the pharmaceutical industry in US, price issues, profitability of the US pharmaceutical industry, demand for pharmaceuticals -- Comparative system and public policy -- Comparative health-care system, health care in Canada, Germany and UK, case study of health care in a developing nation -- Health care- a global perspective, economics of immunization and prevention of communicable diseases, combating HIV/AIDS pandemic, demand for medical care in developing nations- income and price effects -- Health care system of the US: Rising cost of medical care, access to health care- universal health care
Year: 2006
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