E-Government:From vision to implementation- A practical guide with case studies
by Bhatnagar Subhash
Published by : Sage Publications (New Delhi) Physical details: 202p. ISBN:0-7619-3259-3.
Internet in public administration in Developing countries. Internet in public administration -- Developing countries -- Case studies.
E government
Social and Economic impact
Understanding e-government in developing countries :Classifying applications according to clients served, practices in design and implementation, delivery models for electronic services, goals of e-government in developing countries
Potential benefits and impact of e government : Increase transparency and reduced corruption, improved service delivery, empowerment of rural communities, gender focus of e-government projects, economic goals - reducing costs and increasing revenues
Guidelines for implementing projects successfully : Defining a project scope, designing a citizen centric service delivery mechanism, avoide reinventing the wheel, capacity to manage change, strong internal leadership and project management
Guidelines for designing a country wide strategy for e-government
Future of E-governance
Case studies of social and economic impacts of e-government : Bhoomi- computerization of land records, Gyandoot- community owned rural internet Kiosks, CARD- computer aided registration of deeds, FRIENDS- online payments to government of Kerala, VOICE - computerized service centers for municipal services, online income tax administration, e-procurement- experiences from the developing world, Indian cutoms online, computerized interstate check posts in Gujarat , Smart Gov- Andhra Pradesh sachivalaya E-application, OPEN- Seoul's anti corruption projects, central vigilance commission web site a bold anti- corruption experiment
Year: 2004
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