Handbook of poverty in India:- Perspectives, policies and programmes
by Radhakrishna R
Additional authors:
Ray Shovan
Oxford India handbooks.
Published by :
Oxford University Press
(New York)
Physical details: 185p.
Public welfare
Rural poor
Government policy
Social conditions
Human Development
Social Mobilization
Public Expenditure
Poverty alleviation
Poverty trends in India : Trends, malnutrition
Programs and polices for poverty alleviation : Targeted poverty alleviation program and their impact on poor, mainstreaming gender concerns for human development, government initatives to stregthen PAPs
Institutional interventions : Process of poverty reduction, institutional reforms, promotion of human development, towards empowerment
Public expenditure and poverty alleviation- trends and cost effectiveness of social services and poverty alleviation programs : social sector expenditures, cost effectiveness and efficacy and macro perspective
Credit flows to poor- vulnerable sections, sector and regions of Indian economy : Hoerarchy of credit programs to targeted vulnerable groups, macro credit programs and institutional development, distribution of bank credit in favour of small borrowers and various vulnerable groups, micro credit movement in India, progress made in NABARD's SHG- bank linkage program
NGOs and CBOs in poverty alleviation : NGOs and governance, micro finance, credit and self help groups, partnership between government and NGOs/CBOs
Social mobilization, empowerment and poverty alleviation : Interventions and field evidence
Year: 2005
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