Victims, perpetrators or actors? :- Gender, armed conflict and political violence
by Clark Fiena C
Additional authors:
Moser Caroline O N
Published by :
Zed Books
Physical details: 243p
Political violence.
Sex role.
Contextual issues on gender, armed conflict and political violence : Gendered dynamics of armed conflict and political violence, gendered continuum of violence and conflict
Politics of victimization- sexual abuse and violence :Political economy of rape- analysis of systematic rape and sexual abuse of women during armed conflict in Africa, body of other man- sexual violence and construction of masculinity, sexuality and ethnicity in Croatian media
Gender, power and agency : Rethinking women's struggles in Israel- Palestine and north of Ireland, women and communal conflict- new challenges for women's movement in India
Women as actors in armed conflict and political violence : El Salvador- war and untold stories- women guerrillas
Terror, displacement and gender in Colombia
Agency and identity in building sustainability peace : Social organization- from victims to actors in peace building. challenges to inequality- women, discrimination and decision making in northern Ireland, gender and social capital in context of political violence- community perceptions from Colombia and Guatemala
Gender and voice in truth and reconciliation : Locked into loss and silence- testimonies of gender and violence at south Africa truth commission
gender & development
Year: 2005
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