Controlling government spending:- The ethos, ethics and economics of expenditure management
by Premchand A
Published by : Oxford University Press (New Delhi) Physical details: 378p. ISBN:978-0-19-567387-6.
Financial Management : Difference between developing and industrial countries, anatomy of financial management ground- level realities, revitalizing the systems for future
Public Expenditures
Expenditure control- evolution and practice of an idea : Growth of legislative traditions, wars, debt, depression and management of economy, reconstruction, development and welfare state, post welfare state, civic society and improved governance
Advancing structural reforms- themes and issues, ethical dimensions of expenditure management, public policy making, sustainability, fiscal transparency, content of fiscal information
Public financial accountability : Evolution and practice of idea of accountability, financial accountability, factors hindering financial accountability
Expenditure management and life support programs : financial management cycle
Public expenditure management in sub national governments - status and issues
Preparing annual budgets- pragmatic approach : Resource allocation, budget management, supporting infrastructure
Year: 2005
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