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Behind the veil:- Dalit women in panchayati raj

by Dhaka Sunita
Additional authors: Dhaka Rajvir S
Published by : Abhijeet Publications (Delhi) Physical details: 327p. ISBN:81-88683-74-4.
Subject(s): Schedule Caste Women -- Women's Empowerment -- Local government -- Panchayat -- Political activity -- Bridging gender disparity, status of schduled castes, constitutional safeguards for scheduled castes, people's participation rationale for people's participation, women's participation at local level -- Haryana state, profile of selected districts -- Status of women : Global scenario, status of women in India, sex ratio, literacy rate, death rate, age at marriage, female foeticide/ feticide, gender gap in education, crime against women, women and work, women in decision making -- Institutionalizing Panchayati raj in India : History and evaluation of Panchayati raj in India, Balwant Rai Mehta committees report, Ashok Mehta committee report, GVK Rao committee, GM Singhvi committee, Sarkaria committee, 64th amendment bill, 74th amendment bill, 73rd amendment bill -- Evolution of panchayats in Haryana : Pre independence, Panchayati raj after independence, Haryana panchayati raj act 1994- Gram sabha, representation of weaker section, sarpanch, panchayat samiti, zila parishad, district planning committee, election commission, finance commission, financial resources, budget, accounts and audit internal check, empowering PRIs after 1994 act -- Women's participation and empowerment in Panchayats : Enhancing women's participation, Balwant Rai Mehta committee recommendations, committee on status of women, Ashok Mehta committees recommendations, reservation for women in PRIs, national perspective plan, constitutional amendment, post 73rd amendment -- Scheduled caste women and Panchayati raj : Socio economic profile of representatives, awareness about Panchayati raj elections, participation of political parties in panchayat's election, functioning of Panchayati raj elections, participation of political parties in panchayat's elections, functioning of Panchayati raj institutions, amelioration of status of women, enhancement of participation, development works, funds, interface in working PRIs, attitude of bureaucracy towards elected representatives, hurdles in effective participation of women, suggestions for enhancing women's participation in Panchayati raj institutions -- How activities are scheduled caste women in panchayati raj institution- perception of people : Goal of empowerment, social and economic profile of respondents, awareness about panchayati raj, implementation of rural development program, achievements of panchayati raj in mobilizing women, SC women participation in development process,Improvement in status of women, family members interface in discharge of duties by SCs women, impact of reservation on women representatives, obstacles in effective participation of women -- How active are scheduled caste women in Panchayati raj institutions: working of panchayati raj institutions, PRIs capacity in execute plans, role of SC women in PRIs, status of SC women representatives, abilities of SC women to discharge their responsibilities, participation in PRIs and impact on their status, role and attitude of bureaucracy towards elected representatives, weaker sections and planning at local level, problem in effective participation of SC women -- women & politics
Year: 2005
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