Theories of development
by Peet Richard
Additional authors:
Hartwick Elaine
Published by :
Rawat Publications
(New Delhi)
Physical details: 234p.
Economic development
Sociological Theories
Geography of development, critical modernist development, ethics of development, western developmenatalism
Economic theories of growth and development : Classical and neoclassical, dynamic analysis, Keynesian growth theory, development economics, neoliberalism, world bank policy
Sociological theories of modernization : Naturalism, rationalism, structural functionalism, sociological modernization theory, economic modernization theory, psychocultural theories of modernization, modernization geography
Marxist and Neomarxist theories : Idealism and materialism, production as social relations, development and transformation, structural Marxism, imperialism, dependency theory, world system theory, regulatory theory
Poststructuralism, postcolonialism and postdevelopmentalism : Post enlightenment criticisms, intellectual dependancy theory, rethinking development, poststructural turn in development studies
Feminist theories of development, critical modernism, radical democracy, development, ethical development, social movements, alternative development
Year: 2005
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