Economic developments in India- accompanied by a CD: Analysis, reports and policy documents
by Kapila Raj
Additional authors:
Kapila Uma
Published by :
Academic Foundation
(New Delhi)
Physical details: 255p
India's External debt
agricultural credit india
Industrial Gowth Monitor
banking sector in global perspective, agricultural credit in India- status, issues and future agenda, path of sustainability - accessibility, availability and acceptability, issues in bank regulation and supervision
India's external debt -status report, corporate investment- growth in 2003-04 and prospects for 2004-05, approach to mid term appraisal of the tenth plan 2002-07, report of expert group on internet deployment of central database management system, report of committee on financing of power sector during X and XI plan, growth of telecom services in rural India, industrial growth monitor, market integrity related disclosures, report of sub-committee of SMAC on net worth and capital adequacy norms for brokers, monthly economic indicators September 2004
Year: 2004
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Books | KILA HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY General Stacks | 338.954 KAP/E (Browse shelf) | EDI 83 | Available | 008351 |