Alternative approaches in multilateral decision making: Disarmament ad humanitatian action
by Borrie John
Additional authors:
Rendin Vanessa Martin
Published by :
(United Nations)
Physical details: 142p.
Armed Violence
Rethinking multilateral negotiations: disarmament as humanitarian action
Multilateralism and its discontents , political will, Community of practice, complexity, human security
Modelling armed violence: tool for humanitarian dialogue in disarmament and arms control
Modelling armed violence and its effects , Small arms and light weapons, Non-Lethal weapons, Chemical and biological weapons
Deconstructing disarmament: challenge of making the disarmament and arm control machinery responsive to the humanitarian imperative
Derrida and deconstructionism
Traditional vs new approaches to disarmament and arm control , principal constraints on existing multilateral disarmament machinery, current disarmament and arms control process
Comparion between arms control and other multilateral negotiation process: Multilateral negotiations in the field of migration, climate change and public health
Conference on disarmament, the bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin weapons convention and the convention on certain conventional weapons since the 1990s
Comparing arms control process with the united nations migrant workers convention, FCCC and the WHO FCTC
Year: 2005