Public health in practice
by Watterson Andrew
Published by : Palgrave Macmillan (New York) Physical details: 271p. ISBN:0-333-94617-0.
International Influance
Primary care
Housing and Health
Enviornmental Health
Occupational Health
Public health, guiding public health principle
Public health research tools : Biological, biochemical, microbiological, pharmacological research approaches, health needs assessments and health impact assessments, epidemiology, focus groups, participatory research
International influences on public health : Factors that influence public health, Bretton woods institutions, international trade- World Trade Organization WTO, debt problem for developing countries, poverty reduction in 21 century
Doctors in public health - DPH
Role of nurses in public health : Social model of public health, population/ community approach, strategic and planned approach, developing alliances, features of alliances building, tackling inequalities in health, promotion of health, primary care and public and partnership future, collective action, role of GP's - public health nurse perspective
Role of primary care in public health- Grama panchayat perspective : Health promotion, hospital offloading, education and reform
Housing and health : in UK, public health under new lobour/labor
Environmental health : Current government developments, risk perception and communication, food safety, BSE debate, housing, air quality, water quality, best value and target setting, environmental health practitioner in community
Occupational health : Public health challenges, occupational health and safety practitioners
Health promotion and role of health promotion specialist : Political health promotion, case studies on lifestyle work of health promoters, nutrition, sexual health, injecting drug misuse
Year: 2003