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The Kerala Panchayat Law Manual- containing the Kerala Panchayat Raj Act and the Rules

by Johnson Dominic
Additional authors: Johnson George
Published by : Em Tee En Publishers (Cochin) Physical details: 600p ISBN:81-88058-48-3.
Subject(s): Statement of objective and reasons of panchayat raj act, constitution 73rd amendment act, statement of objects and reasons of the constitutional 73rd amendment act, Kerala panchayat raj act 1994 -- Kerala panchayat Rules : Registration of electors, fixing of strength, procedure for the making of bye-laws, conduct of election, election of president and vice president, oath of members president and vice president, procedure for convening and conducting the meeting of gram sabha, removal of disqualification of candidates and members in certain cases, procedure for panchayat meeting, constitution of working committees and joint committees and procedure for their meeting, service tax, levy and collection of show tax -- Kerala panchayat Rules : Salaries and allowances to representatives of people, duty on transfer of property, landing places, halting places, cart stands and other vehicle stands, profession tax, contract, using of facsimile stamp of signature of president and secretary, taxation, levy and appeal, regulation and prohibition of use of public / private springs, tanks, wells and other water, courses, burial of unclaimed corpse's and carcasses, manner of service of notices, slaughter houses and meat stalls, building tax and surcharge thereon, building tax and surcharge thereon, manner of publication of notification or notice, procedure to be adopted on illegal resolutions, investment and withdrawal of panchayat fund, compounding of offences, duties to be exercised by village officers -- Kerala panchayat Rules : Issuance of licence and control of public and private markets, removal of encroachment and imposition and recovery of penalty for unauthorized occupation, control over officers, registration of private hospitals and private paramedical institutions, execution of public works, manner of inspection and audit system, authorization of trial of offences, restriction s and conditions of powers of entry and inspection, construction and maintenance of public latrines, urinals, bathing places and sanitation of private premises, writing off irrecoverable amounts, custody of records and issue of copy, licensing of pigs and dogs, granting of remission to contractors and lessees, burial and burning grounds, registration of tutorial institutions, regularization of unauthorized construction and land development, tribunal for Kerala local self government institutions rules 1999 -- Ombudsman for local self government institutions, Kerala local authorities rules, resignation of president, vice president or members, basic tax grant, constitution and utilization of distress relief fund, procedure to be adopted on illegal resolutions, conduct of case and payment of fees to legal advisors, managing committees for public health institutions, preparation of citizens charter, Kerala panchayats subordinate service rules 1994 to 2003
Year: 2004
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