Indian economy and society in the era of globalisation and liberalisation:- Essays in honour of Prof. A M Khusro
by Rao Hanumantha C H
Published by : Academic Foundation (New Delhi) Physical details: 439p. ISBN:81-7188-420-2.
Economic policy
Agriculture , Land Reforms , Environment , Population , Secularism ,Religion Social conditions in India.
Agriculture, land reform and anti-poverty programmes : Indian agriculture - emerging perspectives and major policy issues, investment, growth and productivity, institutional reforms, sustainability livestock development in India, mixed farming system, livestock biodiversity,sustainable development, Information base and socio-economic research, Land system and its reforms in India, land reforms, public worlds as and anti-poverty programme
Environment : Economics, ecology in developing countries, community forestry in south Asia,Anthropology , Cost benefits analysis of cleaning ganges
Globalisation, globalization, liberalisation and trade : host country polices and quality and quantity of foreign direct investment, MNE, WTO, India's agro export performance and competitiveness in changed international scenario, international prices, export strategy and policy implications, liberalism , multinational enterprises and export performance- evidence from Indian manufacturing : MNE affiliates , exports and policy regime, Import liberalisation and productivity growth in Indian manufacturing industries in the 1990s : capacity utilisation, industrial productivity
liberalisation and growth of firms in India
Macro models and growth : 5 decades of macroeconometric modelling research for India
Growth and macroeconomic imbalance in India: Growth, fiscal and external balances, trends in fiscal and external deficits in India, macromodel
Population : Census under British rules, electronic data processing, reciprocity between female education and fertility in India, RCH-care utilisation and fertility in India an integrated recursive model
Year: 2005
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Contributed articles on economic policy and social conditions of India honoring Ali Mohammed Khusro, Indian economist post 1947