The fortune at the bottom of the pyramid:- Eradicating poverty through profits
by Prahalad C K
Published by : Pearson Education (Delhi) Physical details: 401p. ISBN:81-297-0712-8.
Economic assistance
Economic aspects
International business enterprises
Social aspects
Non-governmental organizations
Power of dominant logic, nature of BOP market, market development imperative, benefits to private sector
Products and services for BOP, philosophy for developing products and services for the BOP, twelve principles of innovation for BOP markets
BOP a global opportunity, local growth opportunities, local innovations and global opportunity, BOP solutions for developed markets, lessons for MNCs from BOP markets, cost of managing
Ecosystem for wealth creation : Market oriented ecosystem, ecosystem for developing country, learning sanctity in contracts, building governance capabilities among the poor
Reduce corruption- transaction governance capacity : Poor, TGC, Andhra Pradesh e-governance story, eSeva, center for good governance
Development as social transformation : Development as social transformation, breaking down barriers to communication, BOP consumers upgrade, gaining access to knowledge, identity for individual, women are critical for development, evolving checks and balances, real test
Innovative practices at bottom of the pyramid, market at bottom of pyramid, Casas Bahia, CEMEX- innovation in housing for poor, annapurna salt - public health and private enterprise, selling health- Hindustan lever limited and soap market, Jaipur foot- challenging convention, Aravind eye care system, ICIC bank, ITC e-Choupal - profitable rural transformation, EID parry story, Voxiva story, Innovations in energy, E+Co's investement in Tecnosol, creating enabling conditions for development of private sector
Year: 2005
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