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The women, gender and development reader

by Visvanathan Nalini
Additional authors: Duggan Lynn | Nisonoff Laurie | Wiegersma Nan
Published by : Zed Books (London) Physical details: 396p. ISBN:1-85649-142-0.
Subject(s): Women in development -- Women in Global Economy -- Women Social conditions -- Economic conditions -- Developing countries -- Theories of women, gender and development : Making of a field- advocates, practitioners and scholars, accumulation, reproduction and women's role in economic development, gender and development, women environment and sustainable development, women in Nature, gender and environment deb ate in india, African context- women in political economy, feminist scholarship and colonial discourses, bargaining with patriarchy -- Households and families : Accounting for women's work- progress of two decades, daughters , decisions and dominations, empirical and conceptual critiques of household strategies, hidden roots of African food problem- looking within rural household, subordination and sexual control- comparative view of control of women, wife abuse in the context of development and change in Chinese, single parent families - formation of female headed households in Mexican Shanty towns -- Women in global economy : Subordination of women and internationalization of factory production, capitalism, imperialism and patriarchy- dilemma of third world women workers in multinational factories, women in informal labour/ labor sector- case of Mexico city, deindustrialization and growth of women's economic associations and networks in urban Tanzania -- International women in social transformation : Impact of economic crisis on poor women and their household, Ghana- women in public and informal sectors under the economic recovery program, abuse against women and girls under the one child family in China, women, population and environment, AIDS women are not just transmitters, gender, nation and colonialism- lessons from Philippines, women , marriage and state in Iran, return of Veil- personal strategy and public participation in Egypt, capitalism and socialism- feminist question, downwardly mobile- women in decollectivzation of east European Agriculture -- Women organizing themselves for change : Planning from a gender perspective, women as political actors in rural Puerto Rico- continuity and change, women and labour/ labor movement in south Korea, SEWA - women in movement -- women empowerment
Year: 1997
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