Thirsty planet:- Strategies for sustainable water management
by Hunt Constance Elizabeth
Published by : Zed Books (London) Physical details: 302p ISBN:1-84277-243-0.
Water resources development.
Riding the water cycle and freshwater ecosystem : Water cycle mechanics, Non-living and living components , Internal ecosystem dynamics
Water use and growing shortages : Water's role in human civilization and ancient times, Global water crisis, Supply side solutions
Food supply and water cycle : Global food production, Green revolution technologies and their repercussion , Irrigation, Artificial fertilizers, Pesticides, Wild fisheries, Sustainable agriculture or Agroecology
Water supply and sanitation in a water short world : Water paucity and plenty, Source of scarcity- Inefficient water use, Hydrological alternative, desertification, Pollutants, pathogens , Improving our performance - Water conservation, Pollution prevention, Environmental monitoring and the use of bioindicators, Restoring landscape functions, Using locally appropriate technology , Waste water recycling and re-use
Water management for flood damage reduction : Nature and history of floods, Flood control concept, Shifts towards a holistic approach to flood management , Non-structural flood damage reduction, Flood damage reduction through ecosystem restoration
Inland waterways and water cycle : Building the water highways, Effects of inland waterway construction and operation on the water cycle, navigating gently,Watershed, Environmental windows,
Interrelationships between global warming and the water cycle : Greenhouse effects, Effects of global warming on the water cycle aquatic ecosystem and people, Climatic change, Pseudo-solutions, hydropower, Energy efficiency , renewable resources
Potential for restoration : Freshwater ecosystem on the brink, protection, Restoration
Avenues of governance- institutional options for protecting the water cycle : binding agreements, Ramsar convention, United Nations convention on the law of the non-navigational uses of international watercourses, Non-binding agreements, World commission on dams, World water vision, free trade and market forces : GATT,GATS and the WTO, World bank and international monetary fund, Markets and pricing
Year: 2004
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