Principles of economics
by Sundharam K.P.M
Additional authors:
Vaish M.C
Published by :
Ratan Prakashan Mandir
Physical details: 696p
Consumer behavior
Scope of economics, Positive and welfare economics, Methods laws and assumptions of economics , Micro and macro economics, Static and dynamic economics, Equilibrium
Consumers choice and sovereignty, Theory of consumer behaviour- Cardinal utility analysis, Indifferent curve analysis, Revealed preference analysis, Cardinal utility analysis of Risky choices , Elasticity of demand, Consumer's surplus
Law of diminishing returns , Law of returns to scale, Theory of population, Population and planning in India
Demand for A firm's output , Nature and behaviour of cost, Equilibrium of the firm and the industry, Supply curve of a competitive industry, Pricing under- perfect competition , Monopoly, Duopoly and oligopoly , Monopolistic competition and selling cost, monopsony and bilateral monopoly , Representative and equilibrium firms, Inter dependent prices, Speculation
national dividend , economic welfare, marginal productivity theory of distribution, rent, wage, interest, profit, inequality of income
Classical theory of international trade, Modern theory of international trade, Free trade and protection, trade cycle, Keynesian theory of income and employment, mixed economy , economic planning
Year: 1959
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