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Indian economy

by Sundaram K.P.M
Published by : S. Chand & Co (New Delhi) Physical details: 527p
Subject(s): Features of Indian economy -- Natural resources of India: Land , Forest, mineral, power resources -- Man power resources of India: Rapid growth of Population, Occupation, Urbanisation, Over population , Government policy on family planning -- Primary sector: Agriculture -- Indian agriculture general description , Size of land holdings in India, System of land tenures, Irrigation facilities for farmers , Zamindari system, Agricultural inputs and methods, Livestock, Soil conservation and reclamation, mechanisation of agriculture, Finance for the farmers, Rural indebtedness, agricultural marketing, Co-operative marketing, Co-operative movement in Rural India, Co-operative credit, Land development banks, Community development and Panchayati raj, Community development, Five year plans, Land reforms , Co-operative farming, Food problem in India, Food grain trade, FCI and APC, New agricultural strategy and the green revolution, Agriculture under the five year plans -- Secondary sector: Industries -- Indian industries a generals survey, industry and five year plans, Cotton industry, jute and textile industry, Iron and steel industry, sugar industry, Small scale and cottage industries of India, Industrial finance, Foreign capital and foreign aid, Industrial management, public enterprises in India, Industrial policy of the government , Public enterprises, Industrial policy resolution 1948, 1956, Industrial licencing policy -- Tertiary sector: transport, trade and banking -- Transport system of India, Foreign trade and balance of payment, Money in India, Prices in India, Commercial banking in Indian, Price policy of the government, Reserve bank of India RBI -- Problems of labour in India -- Agricultural labour in India , Industrial labour, Trade union movements, Problem of unemployment -- Planning national income and finance -- Planning in India, Finance for the plans, national income of India,National income calculation, Per capita income, Government finance , Sources of revenue of the union government , Budgets of state governments , Public debts in India, Deficit financing
Year: 1965
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