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Reinventing water and waste water systems:- Global lessons for improving water management

by Seidenstat Paul;
Additional authors: Haarmeyer David;Hakim Simon
Published by : John Wiley & Sons (New York) Physical details: 486p. ISBN:0-471-06422-X.
Subject(s): Water management -- Waste Water Infrastructure -- Overview of private sector participation in global and US water and wastewater sector -- Regulatory framework : Comparative analysis of regulation water and other network industries, ten years of water service reform in Latin America, pursuit of efficiency through benchmarking- experience of water industry in England and Wales, development of competition in water sewerage industries of England and Wales -- Financing water and waste water infrastructure ?: Global water and wastewater project criteria, water concession design and poor, development of Mexican water sector -- Reinventing public sector operations : Mexico's federal district water reform, largest water system privatization, government owned public limited companies in Dutch water sector -- Restructuring operations in selected US cities : Innovative contracting for new facilities- Seattle's use of design build operate for implementation of water treatment plants, challenges and benefits of privatizing Wilmington's wastewater treatment plant, Houston's strategy to secure new water supply, infrastructure and maintenance, new standard for a long term lease and service agreement, north Brunswick's model water and wastewater public- private contract, privatization of operation and maintenance of wastewater control facilities, Phoenix water series reengineers to improve practices and save money -- View of the past and future : London's private water supply, deregulated private water supply, structural change and competition in UK water industry, creating liquidity in an illiquid market - how internet can facilitate the development of efficient water markets, project financing of water desalination plants, public sector alternative for new millennium, options for improving water and waste water systems
Year: 2002
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