Comprehensive legal and judicial development:- Towards an agenda for a just and equitable society in the 21st century
by Puymbroeck Rundolf V Van
Series: World Bank e-Library. Published by : World Bank (Washington) Physical details: 447p. ISBN:0-8213-48884.
Equality before the law
Social justice
Civil Society
Elements for successful legal and judicial system : Selected considerations anchored in universal declaration of human rights, rethinking processes and criteria for success
What alternatives exist for holding governments accountable : Principal institutions and mechanisms of accountability, role of Ombudsman
Can laws and institutions give voice to poor : engaging and empowering communities access to justice, women and access to justice
What informal mechanisms exist for dispute resolution and contract enforcement : Law, relationships and private enforcement
what conditions are necessary for judiciary to curb corruption : Role of rule of law and judiciary independence in combating corruption and protecting development programs
How do media support the reform process : Freedom of expression, freedom of information, and requirements of justice
What conditions are necessary for independent yet accountable judiciary : Independence and accountability, judicial system of Pakistan
How does legal training improve participation in reform process : many factors of training, improving reform process through legal training, legal training in transitional democracy, bringing sub-Saharan African lawyers into legal reform process
How does global knowledge sharing foster civil society participation : Pending challenges of judicial reform, legal reform, global knowledge and civil society
How can effective strategies be developed for law and justice programs, are there models for legal reform programs : Legal reform in developing and transition countries, making people the focus, explaining of organization for harmonization of business law in Africa (OHADA)
Perception of rule of law in transitional societies
Year: 2001
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