Welfare and the state:-Critical concepts in political science
by Deakin Nicholas
Published by : Routledge (London) Physical details: 437p ISBN:0-415-26291-7.
Welfare state in History in 20th century.
Crisis of the welfare states
Dismantling the British welfare state: Thatcher experiment, Inequalities in Health, New rights and family politics, State and the social structures of welfare in advanced industrial democracies , New right ideology welfare state form and citizenship: Conservative capitalism, British welfare state in transition , American welfare state , Feminism and social policy, Two wars against poverty, Priority and rationing : pragmatism or principles, Why all welfare state including laissez-faire ones are unreasonable, social justice, European union's policy on the equality of women, New politics of a welfare state, Changed welfare paradigm: individualization of the social, Globalization, Globalisation unification and the German welfare state, Squaring the welfare circle and government ideology: Greece and Spain in the 1990s, end of welfare state
Year: 2004