The moral economy of welfare states: Britian and Germany compared
by Mau Steffen
Published by : Routledge (London) Physical details: 238p ISBN:0-415-31754-1.
self-interest and pocket book attitude
Beneficial involvement, Rising demand and ungovernability, Legitimation crisis:, Welfare backlash and rational opposition, varieties of capitalises , Policy reforms
Admixture of motives: bordering the perspective
Institutions: material incentives and social norms, Moral economy of welfare state institutions, Homo reciprocus, Policy designs and the repertoire of motives
Welfare institutions and public attitudes, Survey data and methods
State of welfare
Comparative framework, Welfare legacy in Britain and Germany, Welfare regimes and their moral economies
Logical popular support for welfare schemes and their objectives
Redistribution, Two moralities of giving assistance to the poor, Unemployment provision, old age: transfers from the active to the inactive, health: risk distribution and cost sharing
Year: 2003